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 X JAPAN at Lollapalooza Reports and Upcoming U.S Tour

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Kucing pungut nista
Kucing pungut nista

Male Virgo Pig Post : 10074
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X JAPAN at Lollapalooza Reports and Upcoming U.S Tour Empty
PostX JAPAN at Lollapalooza Reports and Upcoming U.S Tour


SE.New Opening Song
01.Rusty Nail - (English)
03.紅 - (English)
- Drums Break
SE.Tears - (English)

Minggu, 8 Agustus 2010, X JAPAN tampil di Amerika untuk pertama kalinya pada Lollapalooza Festival. Secara keseluruhan, respon dari penonton baik dan reports yang ditulis bernada positif. X JAPAN tampil dengan 5 lagu selama kurang lebih 45 menit. Penampilan mereka dengan gaya Visual dan penggunaan pyrotechnics membuat penonton terkesan dan mereka berhasil menarik penggemar2 baru. Selain itu, penggemar2 lama X JAPAN dari Amerika maupun fans dari Jepang yang jauh2 datang ke Amerika untuk menonton tidak merasa kecewa dengan penampilan mereka di Lollapalooza ini.

Sebelum tampil di Lollapalooza, X JAPAN mengadakan konferensi pers untuk mengumumkan debut mereka di Amerika dan rencana Tur Dunia di Amerika Serikat. X JAPAN World Tour di U.S mendatang akan dimulai pada tanggal 25 September di Los Angeles. Kemudian, rencananya mereka juga akan tampil di San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, Vancouver, Chicago dan Toronto. Total mereka akan mengadakan 9 konser di 7 tempat. Sementara itu, keterangan lebih lengkap tentang tanggal, venue dan waktunya belum diumumkan lebih lanjut.


X JAPAN performed at Lollapalooza Festival on Sunday, August 8th 2010. According to the reports and reviews, they did great and succesfully rocked Lollapalooza with their visual style and pyrotechnics. In 45 minutes show they played 5 songs including new songs and old songs in new versions. Seemed that the short amount of time was not a big matter for them to please their fans and attract new fans at the same time.

Before the Lolla show X JAPAN held a press conferrence to announce their debut in U.S and their upcoming tour in U.S. It will start on September 25th in Los Angeles. The next shows will be in San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, Vancouver, Chicago, and Toronto. Overall they will have 9 shows in 7 places. Detail about dates, venue and showtime has not been comfirmed, though.

Artikel di ABCNews.com
Blog report (jp)
Chicago Mag
Timeout NY
up Chicago - Lolla Recap Day 3
Rolling Stone
Lollapalooza wrap up
ABC News - "Global Pop Sensations You've Never Heard Of "

X JAPAN at Lollapalooza
U.S World Tour
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X JAPAN at Lollapalooza Reports and Upcoming U.S Tour

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