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 X JAPAN & LUNA SEA Special on Underground SYNC Online Radio

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X JAPAN & LUNA SEA Special on Underground SYNC Online Radio Empty
PostX JAPAN & LUNA SEA Special on Underground SYNC Online Radio

Underground SYNC Online Radio Presents
Japanese Happy Hour Vol.5: X JAPAN & LUNA SEA Special

X JAPAN & LUNA SEA Special on Underground SYNC Online Radio 390799_2251103049473_1605171324_31681991_652696324_n

Underground SYNC Online Radio akan menyiarkan program Japanese Happy Hour Vol.5 X JAPAN & LUNA SEA Special Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011. Selama program ini berlangsung, lagu-lagu populer dari X JAPAN dan LUNA SEA sesuai permintaan terbanyak dari penggemar. Selain itu, akan ada wawancara dengan XJAPAN-ID dan penampilan khusus dari Amakusa serta kuis yang tentunya tak ingin kalian lewatkan. Siaran dapat didengarkan via radio online Underground SYNC di Facebook dan kalian bisa request lagu-lagu X JAPAN maupun LUNA SEA favorit kalian melalui Twitter @undergroundsync. Berikut rinciannya:

Hari/tanggal: Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011
Waktu: 19.00 WIB

Underground SYNC Online Radio Streaming:

Format request:
Mention @undergroundsync Request (Nama band) - (Judul lagu) hashtag #jvkhappyhour

Contoh: @undergroundsync Request X JAPAN - Jade #jvkhappyhour

Request lagu sudah bisa dimulai dari sekarang!


Next week on Saturday December 24th, Underground SYNC Online Radio will air the Japanese Happy Hour Vol.5 X JAPAN & LUNA SEA Special. For 2 hours they will play the most requested songs from X JAPAN and LUNA SEA. Moreover, there will be a special interview with XJAPAN-ID, special performance by Amakusa band, and quiz. Here's the details

Date: 2011.12.24 (Sat)
Time: 7 PM WIB-Jakarta (UTC/GMT +7 hours)

Underground SYNC Online Radio Streaming:

Please check the time in your local country. Let's have a party together! WE ARE X!

P.S. We'll try to manage live tweet on @XJAPAN_ID during the programme and translate interview into English so stay tune!
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X JAPAN & LUNA SEA Special on Underground SYNC Online Radio

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