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 Toshi's new song samples - myspace are up

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~Winter Rose~
~Winter Rose~

Female Libra Cat Post : 2797
Age : 37
Join Date : 07.01.08
Motto : Love will find the way
Job/hobbies : Desain, stalking
Location : Toshi and Yoshiki's arms :p

Toshi's new song samples - myspace are up Empty
PostToshi's new song samples - myspace are up

jigokugal wrote:
Quoted from his bulletin board 28th march 08

Quote :
Toshi will release a new maxi single CD; "EARTH IN THE DARK -Leaving for the Blue Sky" specially for you prior to its general sales in May.

You can listen to 2 versions of the song on myspace Toshi page.

For you international fans, the new CD will be available at Toshi official website by credit card payment soon. Digital distribution of this song is already open on Oricon mobile Japan. And yes, internationally, it will be distributed by iTunes, Napster, eMusic, etc. via CDBaby soon, hopefully from the middle of April or later.

Toshi will start his own weblog on a Japanese blog service very soon, and it will be translated into English and posted in the blog space here.

We have lots of things to tell you, but we need your patience and understanding still.

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