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 Yoshiki: press conference in Tokyo 15 Sept 08

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Yoshiki: press conference in Tokyo 15 Sept 08 Empty
PostYoshiki: press conference in Tokyo 15 Sept 08

YOSHIKI emergency press conference back home!

Date 9 / 15 (Mon)
Location somewhere in Tokyo
12:00 to 13:00 hours
Free admission

Will talk about: YOSHIKI, X JAPAN future activities, projects and concerts.

Bakalan ada undian berhadiah utk org yg datang ke press conference itu.


Jap version

◆YOSHIKI緊急帰国 記者会見決定!

日時 9/15(月・祝) 
場所 都内某所
時間 12:00~13:00
入場 フリー

当日はYOSHIKI本人から、今後のX JAPANの活動、そして、

また、日頃からの皆様の、X JAPANに対する気持ちに応え、会見会場に先着抽選で3,000名様の方へ
YOSHIKIより『ワールドツアースタート記念 X JAPAN Street ARMY Tシャツ』のプレゼントがございます。
“「私はX JAPANのファンです」という証を、当日お持ち下さい(例:CD、コンサートパンフレット、グッズ等)”


source: www.xjapan.ne.jp

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Yoshiki: press conference in Tokyo 15 Sept 08 :: Comments

Re: Yoshiki: press conference in Tokyo 15 Sept 08
Post Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:33 am by jigokugal

Venue of press conference is confirmed.
Date: 2008/9/15
Place: Yoyogi's Kyougijou Olympic Plaza.
Time: 12:00〜13:00
Admission: Free

First selection 3,000 people will receive the world tour start commemoration X JAPAN Street ARMY T shirt and entry to the press conference.
The registration will opened at 10:00 a.m.

Event information dial: 03-5447-7712 (24 hours tape guides)

Ada kemungkinan world tour slain di Paris, Taiwan dan Korea, juga England dan Hong Kong.
Sepertinya negara2 yg memiliki official X Japan website jadi tempat tujuan world concert X Japan.

sumber berita:

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Re: Yoshiki: press conference in Tokyo 15 Sept 08
Post Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:50 pm by jigokugal
Ternyata.. more news!

Walaupun Yoshiki mengatakan ingin mengadakan konser di Jepang sblm the end of year, sepertinya konser tidak akan terjadi di TOkyo Dome tgl 30-31 Dec spt biasanya...
Karena Tokyo DOme dah dibook ama band NEWS dari tgl 30 Dec - 1 Jan akhir taun ini.

berita dari: http://mainichi.jp/enta/music/news/20080910spn00m200006000c.html
Re: Yoshiki: press conference in Tokyo 15 Sept 08
Post Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:42 pm by Kurenai Tenshi
The press conference with Yoshiki took place in Tokyo today and a number of news were annonced.

1. Live in Paris sure
2. count down live on December 31st
3. new releases in future
4. Yoshiki as executive producer for "Rockstar" energy drink in Japan
5. new game "Rockstar 2"
6. Project for 100th birthday of director Akira Kurosawa in 2010

1. First of all something that might be of interest for you all, Yoshiki stated that the concert on November 22nd in Bercy will happen for sure. It will be the first time for a Japanese rock band to play in a hall of that size in Europe!

2. Furthermore there will be an X Japan December 31st count down concert in Tokyo. The place isn't decided yet, though.
X Japan fans living in Japan or will visit Japan around that time can also look forward to a concert at X-mas! He mentioned, that it will be a concert of "X with something". What the 'something' will be is yet speculation, though.

3. Since Yoshiki announced an X Japan world tour, he also mentioned a new release in new future. He also composed a new X Japan song that is much more rock than the others we got to listen before. According to Yoshiki, when they did I.V., the members of X Japan found out that Toshi still can go crazy singing those songs and they decided that it might be appropriate to release something more powerful, as well.

4. Yoshiki is the executive producer for the introduction of the "Rockstar" sports drink in Japan. Rockstar is the sponsor of the U.S. "Rockstar taste of chaos"

5. Further, there are some news, that Yoshiki didn't intend to announce on that day, but he did so anyway:
Soon there will be published a new game called "Rockstar 2" which will also be sold in the United States and Europe. That game will also contain X Japan music!

6. In 2010 Yoshiki will be involved in a project that is happening for the 100th birthday of Akira Kurosawa. The moderator mentioned that it is unusual for japanese rockstar Yoshiki doing something for the japanese director Kurosawa outside Japan. More information isn't announced, yet.

Please note that the news aren't in the order they were announced.

Source: BXtE blog

Yoshiki: press conference in Tokyo 15 Sept 08

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